Written by L.E. Vega
There is scientific evidence that ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand. It is Americans that do such a thing, and therefore, Americans are urged to be ostriches.
The government hired a patsy to kill Abe Lincoln, another to kill JFK and another to murder MLK, and yet another to kill Malcom X, patsies to kill entertainers like Freddie Prinze, Sr., and Michael Jackson, and patsies to demolish the Financial Twin Towers in NYC, etc., etc.
Ruben Salazar was murdered during the National Chicano Moratorium March against the Vietnam War, which like the Haymarket Massacre, began as a peaceful event, and a patsy injected violence, so thinking he was part of the moratorium, Mexicans copied the patsy, described as "the man in the red shirt".
The leaders of the protesters, the Chicago Martyrs, led a protest where people from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds got involved. In fact, if you read some of the protest signs, many of them are in Spanish because Hispanic workers formed part of the coalition.
So, what has happened to the sense of coalition in the U.S.A.? What has happened is that hypnotized Americans have allowed themselves to be divided politically, racially, and in matters regarding gender and religion. Thus, Americans have been too distracted and have not cultivated the coalition spirit. In my messages, I always emphasize that the biggest weapon against humanity is distraction.
May Division R.I.P.
Novels/Books/Blogs by L.E. Vega:
Global Events
Puerto Rico
Health and Nutrition
Author's Biography https://www.amazon.com/L.-E.-Vega/e/B00U3FS6Z8/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1
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